Our attention span has shortened to 8 seconds. Less than that of a goldfish. Yes that is a fact. Post-it is like Twitter for paper. Get to the point.

We will commission up and coming directors to create short films for Post-Its. They will be told to meet us in a hotel room for the brief, but when they get there, they will just find a Post-It with a story that they can tell any way they wish.

On National Day of Mourning we decided it was a good time to do some reactive stuff. No-one will forget this day in a hurry - 11/07/18
The FT doesn't half bang on. We'll partner Post-it and the FT to help them condense themselves

No one really needs a three minute 'previously on' for love island. So here's a Post-it ident

Post-it's Instagram will give bite sized news. Say goodbye to endless scrolling through news site's or risking a paper cut with a mag